Monday, February 25, 2013

What I wish I knew and did not know about Breastfeeding

Did you know that stashing food for later consumption is common practice among many mammals and it used to be the primary mean of survival for humans in the past??? Considering that particular fruits and veggies were available only during a short season, our predecessors found ways to stock up for later. Well, you probably know all that... However, have you thought that even though we have moved past this stage, at least in this side of the world (having pretty much everything in the grocery stores or even fresh online), we still need to stash some absolutely necessary food supplies.... Anybody, feel where I am going?
I am talking about breast milk! The most nutritious, filled with antioxidants, cheap, reliable, readily available....just BEST, BEST food for our little miracles. I guess you can tell that I am over my head in excitement when it comes to Breastfeeding. And sure I am!
I have loved every second of my soon-to-be 10 months touching experience. What had started as uncertainty prior to baby's arrival, turned into fear of the unknown as let down surprisingly arrived one morning, transformed as the most natural, bonding, loving, relaxing, cuddling, memorable experience EVER!!!!
I have to share that prior to having our baby I did not know anything about Breastfeeding and decided to save our family some money and learn about it through Google, rather than going to a class. So, first article I stumbled upon was called "What I wish I knew about Breastfeeding".... Oh.My.Gosh!!! I read all this terrifying stories of moms with cracked and bleeding nipples, unable to latch on correctly and therefore screaming babies, variety of positions available and best one for you and your bundle of joy, as he/she could have preferences...etc...etc...etc... And I thought that you hold the baby in the cradle position, put her/him on the breast and ...that is all...Well, as most of you know, that is not nearly ALL! So I started worrying what kind of experience I will have and would I be able to fulfill my long-dreaded dream to breastfeed. But hold on... let's do not scare the inexperienced ones!!! My worries did not become reality! Let me explain. After the so called "let down" (when the actual milk came in), my Brest (I don't know why my iPhone keeps capitalizing Breast but I kind of like it...they are pretty important) was as hard as a wall, baby could not latch on, was hungry, I was terrified and both cried for...ugh, few days. Then I got the help of lactation consultant, realized that hot water is what moves the fluids out (helps the milk get pumped easily) and pumped often to relieve the uncomfortable feeling of fullness. I still recall the BF consultant' words at the first visit "I promise you, this is as hard as it gets! This is the worse!" And it was. After this first week of uncertainty things fell into place... And you can see that I got really good at pumping and stashing:

I have stashed all this milk because I thought I have to go back to work. Due to good luck or/and my wonderful husband, I am home (for now) with little one but have all this milk that is about to expire. I decided it is a shame to throw it away and wanted to donated it...only to find out that since I am from Bulgaria my milk is not accepted. What a shame?!! As you can see below, my milk was as good as it gets. Look at the proof:
Andrea 1 week old
Andrea 5 months old

At 5 months we introduced her to some food but until then it was just breastmilk. Just for the record!
Anyway... I am sure every mommy has her own story. If you want to share yours, go ahead - comment. We would love to read what you wish you have (not) known about Breastfeeding!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

What is your number?

Despite the title, which may lead you to think about the popular movie with the cute Chris Evans, I mean number in terms of babies, not ....other numbers. I, personally, have always thought the bigger - the merrier. Well, that in case one can afford it, of course! But then I see people who, by no means, would be considered wealthy and they have 3, 4 or 5 children and appear pretty happy. Three or four seemed as nice number to me. It prompted me to think about cozy Christmas eves with lots of grandchildren, always having the holidays with some of the closest people... about having another "hope" if one of the children decides to turn away because of failed expectations ... You get my point! Kind of selfish, one may say?! May be...
Lately, however, after having our precious little daughter, who turned my world around and gave new meaning to life, I am thinking that ONE is not that bad number, after all. I guess, one can say that I got a bit scared or overwhelmed, or just that she is everything I want...or that her screaming, targeting our attention, fills the house in the perfect possible way ... ☺☺☺
I wonder when do families decide if it is time for second??? Plus I loved having sister and can site many benefits of raising more than one child...benefits for the children themselves, that is... I am wondering if it has to be financially backed up decision?! And then I have heard that if there are two babies in the house, the third one comes into place easily.
Still, ONE makes me pretty happy right now 😍!!
What Is Your Number?

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Never say "NEVER" or baby may prove you wrong

I used to be one of those individuals that felt capable of giving parental advice on friends with children. For example when a friend told me that she is having issues with her daughter's screaming I felt knowledgeable enough to give her suggestions of what to do.... Sigh.... What have I been thinking?!??
So to prove me wrong life sent me lesson. One of the things I have sworn I would never do is to let my child sleep in the same bed with us... Well, you guess where I am headed, right??!? Our little one sleeps with us now pretty often. We never had the guts to let her cry so she can get used to sleep on her own. BUT I have to confess - I liked the feeling of having her close to me so I can make sure she is warm, well and even breathing... Sometimes I feel silly about that but can't help it and continue to take her little kicks, slaps and punches in the middle of the night with LOVE.
This past night she was not feeling well so having her close to me was natural. Feels good when I know that I am there for her and also she feels better.
Many mothers will support, many will say I am wrong, I know. In any case, just never say "never".

Friday, February 15, 2013

Mommy is my Best Role!

It is here!
It has been months since I have been considering starting a blog. Sharing with others the ups and downs of being a mommy seems only right. @Overtime Mama propmt me to get really serious about it. There is so much to talk about...where to even start???!? So many questions concerning motherhood race through my head days and often nights...As...why she does not sleep through the night? Is it good to be SOOOO attached to me? Are many other babies also not eating puréed food and scream when they see it even though they have loved it at the beginning?! Should I arrange my schedule around baby or baby's schedule around me??? I don't really have to have schedule as my most important responsibility is taking care of her...everything else can wait...So many questions!!!
Time goes by so quickly!
But one thing I know for sure: mother is my best role ever!